crankshaft sprocket removal on V6-12V engine

William Magliocco magliocc at
Sun Oct 21 10:57:58 PDT 2007

I am in the midst of replacing the timing belt, water pump, front seals and so on in my 1993 Audi 100.

I haven't done the timing belt replacement in about 6 years; in that change the oil seals were not touched.  Given the 151+ K miles on this car, I figure I better use the seals I received with this timing belt kit.  

Here is my problem/concern:

How does one go about removing the crankshaft sprocket to access the crankshaft seal?  Does it simply pull off with a gear puller or do you have to mega torque (remove) that 24 mm, 12 point shaft/bolt first?  I am concerned about doing the latter as I doubt the crankshaft locking pin I installed would handle the abuse.

The Bentley manual is not much help in this area, and I do know the I-5 have that crankshaft bolt that requires massive torque from a pipe + breaker bar (BTDT with a colleague)...

If you have BTDT on this job, kindly advise ASAP.


Bill M.-Atlanta

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