No subject

Thu Oct 4 17:35:34 PDT 2007

perfectly still, but for one split second the vacuum goes away and =
simultaneosly the O2 reads lean, while the MS tried to compensate for it =
and bounced the fuel up a bit. Everything in the settings looks good =
too, BTW. I call ignition problem, but I have no suggestions for why =

> If it's MAP vs RPM, and MAP is programmable, maybe a rescale is in
> order.  Also, IMS, Ben if this is an automatic MAC 14
> computer/harness, there is a jumper wire that needs to be cut off the
> plug (pin 7 comes to mind off the top of my head) that was a reduced
> power for first gear launches in the slushbox.  I also recall that
> being a boost only intercept on the WGFV, not a timing retard.  But
> worthy of a looksee.     =20

MAP reprogramming is not something most can do, this is assembler =
language stuff burned on the CPU and frankly should never need to be =

-Cody Forbes
'87 5ktq - Fast.
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'86 5ktqCD
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