88 5ktq poor running
larrycleung at gmail.com
Sun Sep 23 17:32:35 PDT 2007
Go to www.sjmautotechnik.com and go to the "secrets of high boost" page. Not
that you intend to
modify your car, but Scott Mockry does a really nice comprehensive list of
things to do to get your
car to a good baseline, including how to do diagnostics. If you go through
things step by step, you
should be able to get your car back to good running shape, assuming the
rings are any good.
On 9/23/07, Grant Lenahan <glenahan at vfemail.net> wrote:
> Well, on the blue smoke, my first check would be valve guides or stem
> seals.
> The bucking could be any of many things, btu I would check:
> 1. Oxygen sensors
> 2. vacuum leaks
> 3. low voltage spark (coil)
> 4. fuel pressure
> You also mention lots of problems you have identified. Its really best
> to fix the obvious things before trying to figure out the others,
> especially those that are intermittent.
> Good luck,
> Grant
> On Sep 23, 2007, at 11:34 AM, Fuzzzydog wrote:
> > Hello once again fellow Audifans. I am having a bit of trouble with my
> > avant
> > and want to throw it out there to see if anythings sticks with you.
> >
> > vehicle is bone stock
> > I suspect the oil rings are well on their way to being shot as I get
> > copious
> > amounts of blue smoke after idling down a hill in gear. But now I
> > wonder if
> > the oil isn't getting in some other way....
> >
> > my problem appears to be fuel pump cutout under boost conditions - most
> > noticeable when engine is cold. I can accelerate gently and speed
> > will pick
> > up slowly but if I really get on the gas (not even to WOT) the car
> > starts
> > bucking. I am suspecting this is the fuel pump cut off, but this
> > happens
> > even when the dash gauge only shows .9 to 1 bar. Now here is an odd
> > thing
> > on this - I hooked up a boost/vac gauge right at the ecu and went for a
> > drive - according to this gauge I am running at vacuum at all throttle
> > positions except almost wot and even then barely makes it to 5 PSI.
> > However, for the most part the car runs 'fine'. I can tell it doesn't
> > have
> > the power it used to but it does run decent and I can easily keep
> > 120kmh on
> > the highway.
> > yesterday I did a vac test on the upper wastegate cap and it did not
> > hold
> > any pressure at all. fortunately, I had 2 spare wastegates sitting on
> > the
> > shelf (1 from an 84/85 5kt, and one from an 86 5ktq) and they both
> > tested
> > good. now here is an interesting thing - I opened up the older one
> > (84/85
> > can't recall) and the diaphragm was doubled up and it had a fairly long
> > spring with 3 green stripes on it. when I opened up the defective
> > wastegate
> > the spring had 2 blue stripes on it and was much shorter, and there
> > was only
> > 1 diaphragm. meh- I closed up the good one and installed it anyway.
> > test
> > drove and it seemed to run 'better' overall, but still cutout at high
> > throttle application and aux boost gauge still showed it running in
> > vacuum.
> > this aftermarket boost gauge - the needle does go to 0 when the engine
> > is
> > shut off.
> > Now a new problem though - when I went for my test drive, as I slowed
> > to
> > make a turn to return home, let off the gas, clutch in and engine
> > stopped.
> > coasted to the side and wouldn't restart. for years now, car has always
> > started fine. fiddled and hmmmed and hawed for about 10 minutes, tried
> > again
> > and viola! it started. just as I got home, same thing - clutch in,
> > off the
> > gas and stalled. would not restart for a few minutes then started and
> > idled
> > fine.
> > one other thing - the crankcase breather hose is collapsed - just
> > noticed it
> > yesterday. dk if that matters but..... also when I was replacing the
> > wastegate there was a significant amount of oil in the lower wastegate
> > hose. this I suspect is NOT good.
> >
> > MFTS is fairly new but I am suspicous of it because the temp according
> > to
> > the gauge is always coldish and I seem to recall in the past having
> > probs
> > keeping it cool. the A/C on this car is removed so it does have good
> > airflow
> > throught the rad. when I got home yesterday and it stalled I checked
> > the
> > temps at various spots on the engine with a laser thermometer and
> > nothing
> > was higher than 86 Celsius.
> >
> > Checked the spark plugs and they were definitely more white than tan.
> > they
> > are the bosch platinum single electrodes. I am going to replace with
> > the 4
> > electrode ones that I always used to run without problems
> >
> > So, with these hints and tips - any suggestions?
> > does anyone know of a timed relay that would prevent starting this
> > vehicle
> > for a few minutes under certain conditions?
> >
> > TIA
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