fuel pressure gauge

cobram at juno.com cobram at juno.com
Sun Sep 30 14:12:20 PDT 2007

I have the K Jetronic tester from BMP for the I5 CIS fleet:

and it has all but one fitting to test the Motronic on the V8Q (which I
THINK might have the same fittings as the 20V.)
I took the gauge hose and a bolt that fit into the cars pressure line to
the local tool rental place, they had a fitting that matched up
perfectly, I think it was part of a pressure washer or a steam cleaner. 
Equipment rental places and hydraulic shops usually have a pretty good
selection of adapters.  I did use the CIS fittings that came with the
gauge too, so if your gauge doesn't have these I don't know if you'll be
able to find them piecemeal should you need them.

I live on a one-way street that's also a dead end. I'm not sure how I got
here, or how I'm going to get out.
Kent <kentmclean at comcast.net> writes:
> My '91 200 20V is hard to start, like the drain back check-valve 
> has failed.  So I bought a fuel pressure gauge to test it. The
> gauge is geared to American cars, and expects a Schraeder valve
> on the fuel rail to which to hook the gauge.  Of course, I can't 
> find one on my Audi.
> Anyone have any ideas as to how to connect the gauge to the
> fuel rail/line to test the fuel pressure?
> Thanks.

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