88 5KTQ front struts

JeffreyZentner at aol.com JeffreyZentner at aol.com
Tue Apr 1 19:42:36 PDT 2008

When I was at the wrecking yard last Saturday I tried to remove several front 
struts, I could not get the center nut off so I removed the 3 nuts that hold 
the adjustment plate on, When I had the 3 nuts off I could not get the strut 
to come out. The wheel we not on the ground. in fact the wheels where off. I 
thought they should have come out. What is holding them in? I am going back this 
Saturday, if I jack up the axle with an hi-lift jack will they come out? or I 
could get a set of the spring compressing tools from the auto parts house 
will that work? or any other suggestions?

Jeff Zentner
Alta CA

88 5KTQ

"Life is easier if you learn to plow
around the stumps"
In a message dated 3/12/2008 10:02:01 AM Pacific Standard Time, 
antar at comcast.net writes:

Those things can be really hard to take apart if the caps rust weld to the 
strut housing, especially if dust boots have been torn for long. I had to take 
the whole strut housing out and cut through the cap. It might work fine for 
you, but be prepared...


On Tue, Mar 11, 2008 at 3:00 PM, <_quattro-request at audifans.com_ 
(mailto:quattro-request at audifans.com) > wrote:

Date: Mon, 10 Mar 2008 23:21:20 EDT
From: _JeffreyZentner at aol.com_ (mailto:JeffreyZentner at aol.com) 
Subject: 88 5KTQ front struts
To: _quattro at audifans.com_ (mailto:quattro at audifans.com) 
Message-ID: <_d45.23dde60e.350754b0 at aol.com_ 
(mailto:d45.23dde60e.350754b0 at aol.com) >
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="US-ASCII"

Hi All
I have a 88 5KTQ and I need to replace the front struts, Bentley makes it
sound like I can just remove the 3 bolts from the strut mount and the bearing
plate and pull it out can it be that simple? Is the weight of the car enough  
neutralize the springs. Bentley refers to a tool 2069, will I need it?

Jeff Zentner
Alta CA

88 5KTQ

"Life is easier if you learn to plow
around the stumps"

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Jeff Zentner

"Life is easier if you learn to plow
around the stumps"

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