Odd 4K no start

DK proleonk at gmail.com
Sat Apr 5 16:32:06 PDT 2008

>>"Spark" is a relative term.  Was it a bright, almost blue thing you could
see in plain daylight, or yellowish or even orangey?
I will check again, but i think it was in the yellowish range. Will check
again, and see if the other spare ignition coil is any better/brighter

>>You smell it at the tailpipe, right?  You might not be getting enough, or
getting way too much, of course.
Not sure if at the tail pipe, but for sure up front in the engine

>>Upshift light, I believe (fifth gear disabling)
Not sure if I have a upshift light, the up arrow is there, but nothing else
is behind it (no wiring or bulb), and don't have a relay for it installed.
Very basic instrument cluster

>>You can measure the resistance of the plug wires, bentley has the specs.
Are they in decent shape?  (how old?)
visually look good, gona check up on resistance later. Got the car 6months
ago, unknown age.

>>You mentioned checking timing, I assume you checked crank/cam timing *and*
ignition timing?
Yeah, timing belt ok, TDC marks on flywheel and cam are dead on. Reset
distributor, tried turning it 180* and still no go.

>>Are the intake manifold ground wires (two brown ones to a stud) good and
clean?  No obvious "vacuum" leaks?  Nice strong battery and good fast
cranking?  You might want to get the starter current measured, or you can
crudely test by measuring battery voltage while cranking.
Intake manifold wires are good, continuity between those and battery, new
ground cables. Battery is from my 200, so it got plenty of juice.

I will go trough those items again tonite, and see if I get it started. Just
moved, so making use of my garage - but will take a while to reply as I have
no intetnet as of yet...


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