Code I've never encountered before...2221

Ben Swann benswann at
Fri Apr 18 06:45:58 PDT 2008


Most likely you have a hose disconnected or leaking that goes to the ECU.  There are a
number of places this is happening, but I'd start at or near the ECU since you chipped
the ECU.  Also that little plastic damper that looks like a fuel filter  - they can
leak.  Even a leak to your boost guage will do this.  If not near the ECU, then
somewhere between the manifold tee/manifold and the hose going into the harness through
the firewall is the next place I'd look.  Sounds like you are on the right track, just
need to find out where it is leaking.

I'd fix the 2221 first and go back and see if the 2142 KS error has cleared.

Bet you get well over 1.1 bar once this is fixed!


[]Date: Thu, 17 Apr 2008 19:48:28 -0400
From: "Cody Forbes" <cody at>
Subject: Code I've never encountered before...
To: <quattro at>
Message-ID: <002001c8a0e5$895ce2a0$6401a8c0 at nuvolari>
Content-Type: text/plain;	charset="iso-8859-1"

Patient is my white '87 5ktq w/ QLCC + fuel pump relay wired to run constant and boost
at 1.1bar. Seems it got really pissed off at me tonight driving home from CiCi's. First
I noticed the fuel pump intermittently getting loud, then going back to normal (1/4 tank
of fuel). No driveability issues at this point. Was cruising along behind a slow moving
vehicle at about 3,000rpm and the CEL popped on. I moved the throttle a bit and it went
out, put the throttle to about the same position and after a second the CEL came back.
Went to 5th gear and low revs and it stayed out. Right before entering my driveway I
checked again, 3rd gear 3000rpm about 50% throttle CEL comes back on. 

Codes read out as 2221 and 2142. 2221 says "Vacuum hose to control unit sensor - Vacuum
hose leaking, disconnected, or plugged". 2142 is a knock sensor open circuit code. The
2142 I've pulled out of this car before, but that 2221 I've never seen before on any of
the 7 5ktq's I've owned. The vacuum hose looks ok to a quick visual inspection, and I've
got a smoke machine at work I plan to check it with tomorrow (and check for debris on
the fuel pump screen).

Any insight or BTDT's?

-Cody Forbes
'87 5ktq - Fast.
'87 5ktq QLCC'd plus some
'86 5ktqCD
'86 5k
'86 5k]

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