marketplace abuse?

Kneale Brownson knealeski at
Wed Aug 20 05:12:13 PDT 2008

You can't post to the marketplace without passing through the "rules" page.  It clearly says you can post Audi cars and parts one time every 30 days.  It also notes that contributions to Dan for maintaining the Audifans websites and email lists are a way to pay back for this otherwise free service.  
  And there is a provision that commercial advertisers must donate $1 per advertisement.  I'd say the guys who continually list parting outs of a renewing string of cars qualify as commercial advertisers.  I'm hoping Dan is getting a couple hundred a month from the folks who make this a sideline practice.  If he's not, those guys should be prevented from using this service.
  I'm sure there are others like myself who review the announcements in the marketplace regularly and would be willing to assist in monitoring if help is needed.

Brett Dikeman <quattro at> wrote:
  I know the person doing some of it. He's a (very) old list member, 
though not very active these days. I've emailed him asking him to 
consolidate his postings. If it continues to be a problem, I'll start 
talking with Mark about enhancing the marketplace to either better 
accommodate parting-outs in some fashion (since they're fairly 
common)...or maybe enforce a reasonable per-person limit.

Suggestions are welcome.

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