marketplace suggestions

Mark Chang mark.chang at
Wed Aug 20 10:15:32 PDT 2008

I will give it some thought. The Marketplace was written over the
course of a few weekends as my first PHP programming project. Yeah,
that was a LONG time ago. Who here still drives the same Audi when the
Marketplace came out in, say, 1999? Not me. :).

I've always wanted to do a proper rewrite. But, as the saying goes, if
it ain't (terribly) broke...

So, since it limps along okay, the chances of changes getting
implemented are slim to none. Just letting ya'll know the truth about
my schedule these days. With real work and a 21 month old boy, it is
way down on my list of to-dos.



On Wed, Aug 20, 2008 at 12:54 PM, thejimrose <thejimrose at> wrote:
> Brett et al- I think there are a few issues with the marketplace that would
> help the overposting and make it more useful. the salesman in me knows that
> people will read headlines and may not click into ad's so it's tempting to
> post 1 item per ad, but the ad format is also not conducive to multiple-item
> ad's. for one you can't add paragraph breaks in the ad, so it's all one big
> jumble of text. having some better ad formatting tools might help this a
> lot.
> also the headline of the ad is very limited, maybe 20 characters? opening
> that up might help a lot since i could describe that i have 'x,y and z thing
> from this and that car and this and that year' for sale. i just posted a
> multiple item ad with stuff from a4/s4, some stuff that's generic and then
> stuff from a tt. squeezing all of that into 1 title is more or less
> impossible.
> adding a few categories might help as well, although i'm not a fan of
> over-categorizing since many parts cross platform / brand / engine / chassis
> categories. i think audizine did a good job of this, with a few parts
> categories like: engine/trans, chassis/breaks/suspension, wheels/tires,
> exterior and interior. maybe add one for 'parts cars' ? they have recently
> moved to about 25 categories, breaking the above into chassis specific which
> is a whole lot less troll-friendly.
> and let's face it, it's all about wasting time at work trolling for stuff
> you don't need / can't afford. right? ..... guys?
> i'm also not real averted to other stuff for sale. i like that i might be
> able to buy a motorcycle from someone i've chatted with for years online.
> you are all more known quantities, which i like. so maybe a 'NAC FS'
> category as well for bikes, stereo gear, and other riff raff? that way you
> have the option of trolling or not having your bandwith wasted.
> that's my 2 pesos..
> jim
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Mark L. Chang

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