ISV opinions

Geraint Lloyd geraintlloyd_qc at
Mon Aug 25 07:43:24 PDT 2008



I managed to break the 200TQA twice yesterday.


Not a good day.


The first was when fitting a new return hose from the little nipple on the
rad to the expansion tank.

It wasn't going on the rad easily so I figured, "well I'll just pull it off
and put a dab of grease in there".

Of course I pulled the hose off and the rad nipple came with it.


Anyway, some brass gas connections a fibre washer and some silicone later
and I had a new nipple threaded into the rad. 

So far so good.

Especially as I had to use the car to go and get the family from the airport
in the afternoon...


The 2nd problem is with the Inlet Stabiliser Valve. Basically it has been a
git to start recently, so I figured that soaking the ISV in brake cleaner
overnight would be a good way to clean it.

This method has worked very well for me in the past, but not this time..

At idle the car WAS revving slowly from 1k to 2k rpm then dropping back to
1k. it was very annoying and I got lots of confused looks at traffic lights.
It was not building and dropping revs fast enough for anyone to think that I
was trying to race them though, which was good.

Anyway, I fitted a Digifant Golf 2 ISV this morning, that I had left in
Brady's custody a few months ago and all seems well. It was plug'n'play



Today's question, after such a long email, is fairly simple:

Can anyone think of any reason why using a Golf 2 (A2) ISV on an 89 200 TQA
with the MC2 10v engine would be a stupid/fatal idea?






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