Others considered... NAC : TDI mileage

Louis-Alain Richard larichard at plguide.com
Tue Dec 2 16:28:27 PST 2008

Oh I forgot the most important : we dynoed it at Brady's shop, and found 139
hp at 4000 rpm, 277 lb-ft at 2100 rpm. Nothing spectacular, except these are
"at the wheels" figures... So the real HP is closer to 160, if we take
drivetrain loss in consideration. But we are the only one to know it so

160 horse is exactly where my 1983 Quattro was back then. Now, this is what
a 2,0 litre diesel engine can normally develop, while producing 100 lb-ft
more than my 2,1 turbo. That's progress.


-----Message d'origine-----
De : quattro-bounces at audifans.com [mailto:quattro-bounces at audifans.com] De
la part de Louis-Alain Richard
Envoyé : 2 décembre 2008 19:11
À : kentmclean at comcast.net; quattro at audifans.com
Objet : RE: Others considered... NAC : TDI mileage


I drove one of them TDI 2009 last fall with everyone aboard : I managed to
hit the 4,2 L/100km mark, 0,6 L/100km better than advertised. Oh, for you US
guys, it means that I achieved 56 mpg while the Transport Canada figure is
51 mpg, for US gallons obviously.

I wrote a post about this on TDICurious.ca : ¸


-----Message d'origine-----

If you held a gun to my head to buy new, I'd look at a VW 
TDI diesel or maybe a hybrid. Right now I've got a consulting 
contract through January that has me commuting from NH to 
RI -- 280 miles a day.  Good highway manners, high mileage 
and lots of miles between fill-ups mean a lot.

Kent McLean 

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