Others considered... (thread comment)

Louis-Alain Richard larichard at plguide.com
Wed Dec 3 12:33:22 PST 2008

Haldex is no Quattro, we all know it. But it is indeed one of the best
coupling available now, rugged, compact, and tunable via electronics. It has
also the benefit of being fast acting, much faster than any other
mechanical/fluid device. 
The only drawback I see is the fact that when you begin a slide on a snow
covered racing track, you can't keep the tail out as in our Quattros. The
show is less spectacular, you can't do "ballet" in an Haldex. The reason is
mechanical : if there's a difference in speed between axles, Haldex will
transfert more torque to the rear axle. Then, if the axle speeds are equals,
it will stop transferring torque, until the speed difference is big enough
Much less involving than a locker Quattro, but that is only on an ice track.


-----Message d'origine-----
What's cheaper than Haldex?  ;-)

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