Frozen Doors Shut

cobram at cobram at
Wed Dec 10 09:40:33 PST 2008

Common on type 44's.  To avoid it in the future, get some Silicone spray
(I like the stuff they sell at electrical supply houses, it's very pure),
spray down the rubber gaskets a couple times with the stuff.  It gets
absorbed, so you won't stain anything, renews the gaskets as an added

Hit up the sunroof, trunk and window gaskets while you're at it, they get
stuck too.

You might want to check the condition of your evaporator door flap
spring, when this spring breaks, it ups the interior humidity
considerably, adding to the condition.

Good time to lube the internals of the door handle and it's mechanisms

"God's a kid with an ant farm. He's not planning anything."

On Wed, 10 Dec 2008 12:34:14 -0500 "Max Hoepli" <mhoepli at> writes:
> Hi all,
> When it is freezing outside the Type 44 Turbo Quattro's doors can't 
> open, it
> seems to be clinging at the front edge, seems to be opening by rear 
> edge of
> door.
> Comments? 
> I leave it. I don't want to pull too hard, just some light force to 
> open..
> I remove all the snow on windows so there is possibility of sun's 
> rays
> warming car inside.


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