I broke the nipple on the radiator that goes to the overflow tank

Mark J. Besso mbspeed at maxboostracing.com
Thu Dec 11 21:32:42 PST 2008

The dealer used to sell a repair kit.  If someone has the FA available it's 
listed (but not shown) in the 198 parts group.  If it isn't shown for that 
vehicle. it is for the Type 44 and the overflow line is the same size.


On Thu, 11 Dec 2008 18:34:37 -1000
  "Al S" <streichea001 at hawaii.rr.com> wrote:

  1990 80 non-Q. While working on the back of the alternator, my elbow 
  over and leaned on the hose from the radiator to the overflow tank. 
  I really don't want to ask Congress to bail me out, by buying me a new
  radiator. So has anyone have a fix for this.
  I have some 1/8" copper tubing that fits into the hole on the radiator. I
  am hoping that I can epoxy the copper tube, and broken plastic nipple onto
  the radiator. But...
  Any BTDT's. Recommendations for the right epoxy?
  If no fix, can I temporarily plug the hole, sealing the radiator. Reduce 
  amount of fluid, so that when it expands, the fluid will have some room to
  move and not blow out the radiator.
  Anyway, Happy Holidays everyone.
  Al Streicher
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