4kq vs 5kq tranny

Chris Semple chris at force5auto.com
Sun Dec 28 08:53:02 PST 2008

spectrum wrote:
> Both use 016,
> but different final drive, not sure about individual gear ratios...
> From: Steve Meyer <quattroslm at yahoo.com>
> Dear Audi gurus,
> Do both of these cars use the same 5speed tranny? the 016 maybe?
> Thanks!
> Steve
Careful with the quick answer. As I read it, Steve was asking about the 
5000q, non turbo, which has the same final drive as the 4000q, being 4:11.

-Chris Semple
Concord, NH
'84 4000q
   '93 E350 Club
       '04 F350 DRW

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