Twas the Night Before Christmas

Fay Kelley iceisit at
Sun Dec 28 13:18:34 PST 2008

Great poem ... Thanks for sharing ~  Fay

>Twas the night before Christmas when all through the list
>not a NAC post would appear, not even in the mist
>The cars were all parked with the greatest of care
>in the hopes the Audi gods would not even dare
>when out in the driveway there rose such a clatter
>I sprang from the bed, to see what was the matter
>All at once I threw open the sash,
>I pictured all my quattros, stolen in a flash!
>when what to my wondering eyes should appear
>but a Pearl Audi avant, with no tiny reindeer
>the driver had speed and control in such good mix,
>I knew in a moment, it must be an S-6
>More rapid than any beemer he came
>the turbo whistled, the engine roared just the same
>Dual chrome exhaust tips tucked under the car's rear
>from each a small wisp of steam did appear
>and then in a twinkling I heard on the spire
>the crunch of snow, under each studded tire
>He went straight to the garage without turning off the car
>and placed on a shelf eurolights, from a place quite afar
>Leaving a heater core with care on the floor
>he filled the parts bins then turned with a jerk,
>and handed me a steak knife, with a cute little smirk
>He sprang to his car which idled at wait
>with a clack from the tranny the gears did mate
>With a good throttle blip and a little clutch burn,
>he induced oversteer, for a very quick turn
>But I heard him exclaim, ere he roared around the bend,
>Happy Quattroing to all and may luck be your friend!


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