the wave

Robert Myers bob at
Fri Feb 1 14:08:31 PST 2008

And the counterpoint:  My wife's 2007 Forester 2.5XT has a a failed 
clutch after only 16,5xx miles and one year of service.  The stealer 
is threatening to not honor the warranty.  That question is still up 
in the air.  So whaddya expect?  Answer - a clutch which holds up 
longer than a set of tires.  It has NOT been abused.  I have a nice 
urS6 with RS2 mods for that purpose.

At 05:00 PM 2/1/2008, Brendan wrote:
>On Thursday 31 January 2008, John Larson wrote:
> > "The worst is when you're driving "the non-Audi" and you see a prime 4000
> > or something vintage in traffic and give "the wave" and wonder why they
> > look at you funny when you're driving a Subaru..."
> >
> > Well, you ARE driving a Subaru.  Whaddya expect?  I look funny at people
> > driving a Subie even when I'm afoot ..................  John
>You laugh, but they are cheap, roomy for the wagon, and plentiful, so
>repairing them becomes a   "which mechanic do I like" rather than "which
>mechanic can I go to" when you mess up a repair yourself...
>Audi hasn't put out anything roomy enough for someone my height/width that
>doesn't have $2k "issues" every six months in the last ten years (that still
>appeals to me). My 4kq and 90q20v have been rock-solid, but my future Audi
>prospects will have to be very well-informed from what I hear.
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