How much amperage can an alternator support? no really...

syljay syljay at
Wed Feb 6 23:53:06 PST 2008

Inductive current meters depend on expanding and collapsing 
electromagnetic fields - - as in A/C current.

A current thru a wire produces a magnetic field around the wire.
Passing a wire thru a magnetic field produces current in the wire.
A stationary wire in a stationary magnetic field produces nothing in 
the wire.

DC current will produce a field around a wire . . .but the field stays 
constant. No expanding and collapsing fields to produce current in the 
  meter inductive pickup - hence, no reading.

Correct me if I'm wrong.

SJ in NJ

At those current levels, you'd want to consider an inductive current 
You don't need to break the lines to measure the current, just clamp the
coil around the lead in question (the ground line to the battery would be
best) and determine the current draw.


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