plugged cat

Tom Winter tom at
Thu Feb 28 17:02:31 PST 2008

Just my $0.02.

Many years ago I had an '85 5000 (fwd) on which the cat got clogged up. As
Huw correctly states: power way down, heat way up.

I cut it out and replaced it with straight pipe.

Of course, the car was not subject to emissions testing (western slope
Colorado, home to many old pickup trucks).

The "repair" worked fine.

But there's no way I'd rig up the same fix on my S6.

As another lister pointed out, there are plenty of aftermarket options out
there, which are cheaper than stealer prices.

The big deal on the early S cars is the damn bolts. They rust all to hell
and then you have to cut the old cats out. Makes it worth looking at
aftermarket/high performance options if you have the cash.

Tom '95 S6 Avant

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