[s-cars] Curious about HP possibilities

Cody Forbes cody at 5000tq.com
Wed Jan 2 16:03:48 PST 2008

Richard Harris wrote:
> Call me wacky, but I'm curious about dropping a small block Chevy
> engine into a 200 or UrS? Why? Well, I've been researching HP upgrade
> options for my 200. While there are a few high HP(450+) 3Bs in
> Europe, according to most of people I've corresponded with, the
> distributor ignition on the 3B limits my possibilities. To make 450hp
> on a 3B, one needs to install an AAN harness(wiring nightmare?), ECU
> and coils or go standalone($$$).  With either of the aforementioned
> choices, the minimum hardware needed is a rods, turbo and
> manifold($3500).  The Jegs catalog, www.jegs.com has a variety of
> warranted, new $4000.00 dollar engines. Heck, I'm sure one of my
> hillbilly buddies could find me a good condition used 350 for much
> less.
> ANy BTDT SB Chevy swaps?

A V8 sorta almost kinda fits. It's been done with an LT1 (second generation 
small block chevvy - basically new heads, cooling system, and EFI) on a 
5000, which would be a virtually identical install into a 200. Was a ton of 
work. The nose of the SBC extends beyond where the stock front grille sits. 
Kennedy engineering makes the bellhousing adaptor you'd need, 
http://www.kennedyeng.com/other.htm last section on the page. There was a 
website of the build of the car, but it's down currently (seems to be 
removed rather then just broken). I've got some photo's somewhere, I'll dig 
them up. I've CC'ed the main quattro list on this as the builders of the 
LT1-Q, as it's known, are over there. Note to Peter G, Scott J, and Rob D... 
I've got a ton of webspace and would be honored to host the LT1-Q website 
for free if any of you still have a copy of it, let me know.

Also note that I'm working on a standalone ECU solution that would sell for 
$750 or less and plug into the factory wire harness with an additional 
connector for COP on a 3B (while on an AAN no additional wiring would be 
needed at all except to by-pass the POS's). I've currently got the very 
first prototype ECU for a 5000 CIS to EFI conversion done (still using the 
stock wire harness, ask me how privately), and I'll be testing it this 
weekend. The ECU is based on MegaSquirt (which I've been using for over 6 
years on a few 5000's, a few Porsche's, and a Renault R5 Turbo), but now 
I've made many modifications to allow it to work with all factory Audi 
sensors, ignition triggers, and even the stock wire harness with the stock 
plug. If that goes well I've already got 1 request for a COP 3B ECU next, if 
any more interest pops up I'll get going on it as early as the end of this 
month. A 3B/AAN or any Motronic equipeed car could simply un-plug thier ECU 
and plug mine in - and swap back just as easily if needed. Once I get 
started it could take as little as 3 weeks or as much as 6-8 weeks to be 
ready depending on my schedule and any possible catches.

-Cody Forbes
'87 5ktq - Fast.
'87 5ktq QLCC'd plus some
'86 5ktqCD
'86 5k
'86 5k

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