
Mark J. Besso mbspeed at maxboostracing.com
Mon Jan 7 14:43:31 PST 2008

Another one to try is "Goo-Gone" that's citrus-based and very effective at 
removing those pesky tar spots.

Link: http://www.googone.com/


On Mon, 07 Jan 2008 16:20:57 -0600
  Max Wellhouse <maxjoyce at ipa.net> wrote:
  *This message was transferred with a trial version of CommuniGate(r)
  Go least invasive/damaging first.  Try the GOOF OFF stuff at Walmart
  first, and then maybe the Turtle wax bug and tar remover or maybe the
  equivalent 3M product.  Or try to find a shop that specializes in
  selling to body shops and see what they recommend.Make sure you wax
  the area thoroughly once your done.
  At 03:14 PM 1/7/2008, Robert Myers wrote:
>Hi Y'all,
>Due to a spate of recent road building in the area my wife's car is
>now sporting an interesting mottled black over gold exterior
>motif.  Thank you, WVDOH.  :-(
>Next subject: what do you recommend as the ideal tar remover
>(preferably with minimal labor)?
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