Light conversion

LL - NY larrycleung at
Tue Jan 8 13:18:57 PST 2008


Been meaning to try this, in my spare time....Bwhahahahahah.

You would "simply" need to relieve the mask, but inverted to the pattern
However, I believe that Igor K tried this, and found that relocating the
mask in it's appropriate location was MUCH more difficult than it sounded,
resulting in a blurry cut-off. Seeing that the focal length of the lamps is
actually pretty short, extreme precision (including the perpendicularity of
the mask to the beam axis) would be necessry, so you'd want something akin
to micrometer screw drives to locate the mask on re-assembly. I've been
meaning to try this on a set of TT projectors I landed for free from a
wreck, but I have never tried it yet.



On 1/8/08, Robert Myers <bob at> wrote:
> Hi Y'all,
> It's a bit of a complicated story so I won't try.
> Question #1:
> Have you ever modified the low beam pattern of your DOT lights (flat
> left side w/ center step to flat on right) to the Euro pattern (flat
> on left and rising to right from center)?
> Question #2:
> What modification of the internal mask was required?
> I guess you can figure where I'm heading with this one, eh?  ;-)  HID
> capsules and Euro lenses have been installed and work well but I'm
> not happy with the DOT beam pattern.
> Bob
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