Changing air filter?

cody at cody at
Wed Jan 9 05:14:16 PST 2008

Quoting elweasel at

> How do you change the air filter on a 1990 Audi 80 Quattro? I have   
> the bentley manual and it says to take the car to the Audi   
> dealership. Also if you have any good parts and performance website   
> for the 80 Quattro, please post. Thanks

I assure you that the Bentley manual doesn't and wouldn't ever tell  
you to visit the dealer. I believe you are looking at your owners  
manual, possibly a reproduction of it published by Bentley Publishing.  
The average Bentley repair manual is about the size of a yellow pages  
phone book.

Removing the air filter should just simply be a matter of disengaging  
4 clips arround the perimiter of the air filter box then lifting the  
loose half off.

Both and should  
have some performance stuff to look over.

-Cody Forbes

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