3B Piston rings

Kurt Deschler desch at alum.wpi.edu
Thu Jan 10 13:35:08 PST 2008

08-109400-10 was the number on the box that I got for A2050-12784. The 
other number looks like a VAG number. These do seem to correspond to the 
worldpac stock, just the distributors are not showing these numbers. as 
mentioned in my last post, the warehouse incorrectly sent only 1 unit from 
the set.


On Thu, 10 Jan 2008, John Larson wrote:

> I am trying to source a set of 81MM rings for a 3B engine. Worldpac has the 
> following goetze part numbers:
> A2050-243404 ~$17 clearly indicates 1 set/piston
> A2050-12784 ~$80 just says piston ring set
> I ordered the latter and got a set for 1 piston only. I assumed from the 
> price that this would be the entire set. Now I'm not sure if I got the wrong 
> part or not. Can anyone explain which is the correct part or what the 
> difference is? I am also going to price the rings from Audi.
> Thanks.
> 	-Kurt
> Those numbers don't show up in my Worldpac Speed Dial. I can't even type them 
> in and see 'em, they come back as not a good number.
> What I get is:  08-109400-10 and 026 198 151A/5. 
> I would guess the latter is 5 pistons worth of rings.
> John

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