Audi would never be this stupid .... would it?

Tony Hoffman auditony at
Mon Jan 14 19:23:59 PST 2008

> > The silly thing is.... why not encourage (via a license) long standing
> > clubs?
> The hard part is running a business.  If you don't defend a trademark -
> you lose it.
> So how do you license 1,000 - 10,000 - 1,000,000 people with websites
> who don't understand a thing about trademarks or copyrights?
> What would such a license look like?

I'll agree, having a bit of an understading of business. But, the line
I draw is simple. Are they using it to make money. The Quattro list, a
personal website, and others, are not there for making money. Now,
someone would have to oblerve all of these things, which would be
hard. It certainly is cheaper and easier to eliminate all

the problem is, you do also eliminate a lot of enthusiasts also. Audi
in particular seems to be content with advertising primarily by word
of mouth. And, with the enthusiast base here in the states, that works
very well (I can't speak for overseas, I don't live there). However,
by sueing owners/enthusiasts, you are alienating a large population
that doesn't understand (of care to) the big picture business
strategies that go along with this.

Tony Hoffman

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