01 A6Q front Brakes

mike mikemk40 at yahoo.com
Tue Jan 15 12:54:13 PST 2008

I would have thought you can leave the hub alone, take
the caliper off (normally two hex headed very tight
bolts round the back), tie the caliper safely out off
the way, remove the old disc (using the blunt
instrument of your choice if it’s tight), clean the
mating faces, add new disc, refix caliper, insert new
pads. Repeat process on the other side & crack a tin.

--- Kyle Ledford <kledford at columbus.rr.com> wrote:

> Getting ready to do a front brake job on my 01 A6Q
> sedan.  I have never done
> one on this car so prior to parts arriving and just
> for inspection I popped
> off a wheel to look at what is going to be involved.
> It looks like I am
> going to have to remove the hub bolt in the center?
> Is this correct? I was
> just curious as I am doing pads and rotors..  and
> BTDTs on this or any
> write-ups?
> Thanks,
> Kyle
> 2001 2.8 A6Q
> 1990 CQ - (in various stages of 20vt rebirth0
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