[Biturbos4] Lack of heat in B5 series car - any thoughts?(commonproblems, etc)

Tihol Tiholov t.tiholov at gmail.com
Sat Jan 19 11:57:06 PST 2008

> Has anyone attempted this with a 1988 or closer Audi 80Q 5 cyclinder?? I
am unsure if the "check valve" mentioned in a previous post exist in this
car. I am a of course
tempted to try this but worry that it will be adverse.

The closest I cam was on an early 80's Subaru.  Flushed the heater core with
hot soap water, then water only with both in and out hoses disconnected at
the firewall.  The water came form a pressure washer.  Flushed a few times
both ways, heat was immense after that operation.  No check valve in there I
imagine.  If you're worried, you can flush it 1 way, go with the flow, won't
hurt and it might help.
Wonder re: coated heater core on such a young car.  My recently sold '88 90
Q with about 280K km reportedly still gives pretty good heat as per the new

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