Audi Ownership - Maintenance cost per mile?

Grant Lenahan glenahan at
Mon Jan 21 10:36:50 PST 2008

Its actually more complicated still.

The Ts and Cs are largely set at the time you buy (whether new, CPO  
or ...) - despite Audi's attempts to change things after the fact.   
Its a contract, if you're willing to stand your ground.  So at any  
given time there are in fact several sets of Ts and Cs in effect -  
those for people who bought during time periods a, b, etc.
That is, if you kept a copy of your Ts and Cs.

For the record, the CPO coverage did not change appreciably between  
jan 2005 (when i bought my car) and end of last year ( when I read  
the updated coverage).  including the $50 per event deductible.  At  
no time (at least since mid 2004) did CPO cover regularly scheduled  

On Jan 21, 2008, at 1:17 PM, Taka Mizutani wrote:

> Are you kidding me, Brett?
> The warranties change all the time. That's why I said what I said.
> The gotchas you talk about change all the time. You know, they also do
> training all the time, it's not a static thing.
> Case in point- Audi dropped free maintenance on CPO a while ago,  
> then phased
> out free maintenance on the new cars.
> Same thing with BMW- they used to extend the original warranty to  
> 7/100 from
> original in-service date, including maintenance- now it's an  
> inclusionary
> and exclusionary warranty that is far less comprehensive than the  
> original
> warranty and does not extend free maintenance, it's also a shorter  
> term of
> just extending 2/24 from the expiration of the original warranty.
> There was no deductible a couple years ago on Audi CPO, but I guess  
> there is
> now.
> That's why you can't do what you envision.
> Taka
> On Jan 21, 2008 12:10 PM, Brett Dikeman <brett at> wrote:
>> The terms are unlikely to change in any substantial way all that
>> often- they'd have a nightmare keeping that all straight, doing
>> training, etc.
>> The point is not to parrot their terms, but to provide a public
>> service by listing the gotchas in a more human-parse-able way, and
>> perhaps educate people on the differences compared to other
>> manufacturer CPO plans (for example, Volvo's is something like a 10
>> year/100k warranty from original manufacture/purchase date.)  A  
>> number
>> of people are probably not aware that there is a service  
>> deductible- I
>> wasn't, until Eric mentioned it.  Granted I did not look at the  
>> PDF of
>> the terms, but I'm willing to bet AoA does not exactly go out of  
>> their
>> way to mention it.
>> Brett
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