Oil leak and stalling at idle - Solved

Duncan Thomson duncan at systemcontrols.co.nz
Tue Jan 22 16:23:08 PST 2008

Hi guys,

Thanks to all for the input. Turns out it was the crank breather hose, 
the short one that runs into the michelin man hose from the T 
connection. It was completely collapsed. And blocking / unblocking the 
hose caused the engine revs to drop dramatically.
Have temporarily put some plastic tube inside the rubber, and then 
sealed outside with heat-shrink plastic. Dirty, but enough to get me by 
til the new parts arrive (on order now).

I'll check the valve cover gasket when I next change the oil, but from 
memory it's a cork one that came with my head gasket set. I believe 
these can be a problem to seal. Will let you know how I get on.


Duncan Thomson wrote:
> Hi guys,
> Have been having an issue with my car stalling at idle for the last 
> week. Had a look under the hood today, and there is oil all over the 
> inlet manifold, and on the block. It appears to have come from the valve 
> cover gasket area.
> Any advice on what this could be? I'm assuming something is getting 
> pressurized that shouldn't be... head gasket perhaps?
> Just looking for a heads up, before I dig into it this weekend.
> Thanks for any help!
> Duncan
> '88 90Q

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