2.7t producing just under 12 v

Tyson Varosyan tigran at tigran.com
Sun Jan 27 22:55:22 PST 2008

#1 You want to track down the electrical smell - this is not normal even if
something is malfunctioning. If your alternator smoked up, you should be
able to smell it.

#2 Do not trust the stock gauge - measure this with a known good indicator
(although dimming lights are a clue here).

#3 I have seen perfectly good alternators display these symptoms when the
battery was bad. Sometimes batteries fail is such a way that they impede

#4 Verify that the alternator is turning properly. The smell you had may
have been a belt burning out. One of the other pulleys on the alternator
belt may have gotten stuck causing the belt to burn and loosen, thus not
turning the alternator properly.

Tyson Varosyan
Technical Director, Uptime Technical Solutions LLC.
tyson at up-times.com
206-715-TECH (8324)

-----Original Message-----
From: quattro-bounces at audifans.com [mailto:quattro-bounces at audifans.com] On
Behalf Of QUATTRO1869 at aol.com
Sent: Sunday, January 27, 2008 8:49 PM
To: quattro at audifans.com
Subject: 2.7t producing just under 12 v

Ok, it sounds like an alternator.  I started the car and let it warm  up a 
bit.  Gauges all normal(temp still low, not fully warmed) I  headed out, and

realized I forgot my wallet, so I returned home.  I left  the car running
while I 
was just gonna be in and out.  While home, I got a  phone call and was
for about 10 minutes.  I came out to my car and  got inside, instantly 
smelled a burning electrical smell.  Look down at the  volt meter is a shade
12v...and goes lower when I turn on lights, heater,  etc.  Anyone had this 
happen?  Sounds like an alternator to  me.  Theres about 85k on the motor.
Is it 
an easy  job?  Can I do it without pulling the nose off?

1998  A4 2.7tq stage 2+, many other tricks
1992 Jeep Wrangler 4.0
Craig K.  Porter
Gemini Services Group
77 Gilcreast Rd, Suite 2003
Londonderry,  NH 03053
603-426-5246 Office
603-426-5250 Fax
603-365-0299 Cell
_www.geminiservicesgroup.com_ (http://www.geminiservicesgroup.com/) 

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