the wave

cody at cody at
Thu Jan 31 18:17:20 PST 2008

  I think the worst is the look you get from a 996/997 owner when you  
wave while driving your 914. It's like they'd just as soon whiz on  
your face as a toilet.

I try to wave, but like most others here only when it an obvious one.  
I also agree about the motorcycle wave, much more comeraderie (sp?)  

-Cody Forbes

Quoting John Larson <westcoast at>:

> "The worst is when you're driving "the non-Audi" and you see a prime 4000 or
> something vintage in traffic and give "the wave" and wonder why they look at
> you funny when you're driving a Subaru..."
> Well, you ARE driving a Subaru.  Whaddya expect?  I look funny at   
> people driving a Subie even when I'm afoot ..................  John
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