Last Avant question for a while, I hope

Kevin Smith kevins9 at
Sun Jul 27 18:17:28 PDT 2008 is the most respected extended warranty company out 
there. I think it is well worth it on an 11 year old car that you don't 
know the full history of, when repairs/parts can be expensive. I intend 
to purchase a 100,000 mile warranty for one of my new acquisitions, even 
though I know it is a one owner with a clean history, just because I 
have had a lot of bad luck with used vehicles in the past 8 years, and 
had to pay out of pocket on every one of them. $600-1200 for new 
transmission, $1500 for a new engine (replacement turned out to be shot, 
so paid twice the labor on it), etc.. Those warranties are worth every 
penny IF you NEED it. If you don't, you threw away $1600... :)

I suppose if the car has little or no value, or you paid very little for 
it, and you consider it disposable, then the warranty is a waste for 
sure. I have had a few of those too, but for those that I really LIKED 
and valued, it would have been worth having.

Just my $0.02

Brett Dikeman wrote:
> On Jul 27, 2008, at 11:15 AM, Fay Kelley wrote:
>> how does one get a warranty on an 11 year old car if I may ask ?
> "Is it worth it" is a whole other discussion.
> Brett
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