Recommendations for a Shop in Denver (b1biker at

Tom Winter tom at
Tue Jun 3 09:16:22 PDT 2008

On 6/3/08 8:34 AM, "quattro-request at"
<quattro-request at> wrote:

> A very dear friend of mine has suffered what appears to be a major automotive
disaster in Denver and is in need of a reputable shop. She has a 2002 VW Passat
with the 1.8T. While driving on the Interstate the bolt that secures the timing
belt pulley fractured. The car has been towed to a shop in the vicinity of
Colfax and Colorado but I fear that they are going to take advantage of her. If
anyone has a shop that they trust please let me know.

Go here, they're honest, fast, and dependable. I totally trust them and I'm
not the only one. Several friends use them as well, all with excellent
results and service. They're more of a specialty shop, which assists tuners
and builds racecars (their cars have done well in the Pikes Peak Hill
Climb), but they work on daily drivers, too. Talk to Erica Lucero, she owns
the shop with her husband, Brian. Have your friend tell them that Tom Winter
sent them.

Salta Motorsports
3434 Brighton Blvd

If your friend needs any other help, I no longer live in Denver (Boulder,
now) but she can contact me to ask me questions or get advice: 303-525-7767.
I'll do what I can.

Tom '95 6 Avant

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