Where is the thermostat on a 12 valve V6?

Grant Lenahan glenahan at vfemail.net
Fri Jun 6 13:15:54 PDT 2008

Its buried - almost behind the water pump, which is driven byt he T- 
Belt, at the bottom front of the motor.
I dont have an actual diagram to send you, but its a difficult thing  
to get to.

On Jun 6, 2008, at 1:36 PM, Matt Ammann wrote:

> Hello Audi Fans,
> I've been tasked with selling my sisters 95 90 S(sadly no quattro  
> or I might keep it myself).
> Unfortunately it is having some problems passing smog - all  
> parameters are excellent, except for NOx,
> which is just marginally over.
> I'm not sure what's wrong - Oxygen sensors seem good based on  
> voltage meter readings. I do know
> that the thermostat seems to be stuck open, as the engine doesn't  
> warm up properly.  I'm kind of
> hoping that if I can get the temp up properly, that it might eke  
> through.
> But in the absence of a service manual, I can't even find the  
> thermostat.
> Would one of you kind people please provide some clues to it's  
> location, and tips for RandR?
> Links to picture or diagrams would be even more greatly appreciated.
> thanks,
> Matt
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