Re. Poll: What do Most People Do When their R12 Runs Low

David Ullrich david.ullrich at
Fri Jun 27 04:33:01 PDT 2008

#4 for me...but it's far less than $400. It's mroe like $50-75 including the
r134a and adaptors.

-Audiless for now
-Wanted 1987 CGT Triple White or 1981 4000 5+5

On 6/26/08, Ben Swann <benswann at> wrote:
> 4. Envirosafe!
> [Date: Thu, 26 Jun 2008 19:29:32 -0400
> From: <mboucher70 at>
> Subject: Poll: What do Most People Do When their R12 Runs Low
> To: <quattro at>
> Message-ID: <BAY117-DAV58A7679DC0A62330CDAB4C1A30 at phx.gbl>
> Content-Type: text/plain;       charset="iso-8859-1"
> Those who have older Audis will eventually reach the day when their AC is
> feeling not as
> cold as they want it.  I'm wondering what people do mostly.  The choices
> that I can
> think of are:
> 1.) Live with it...Not so bad where I am, in Montreal, or the anywhere
> north...can't
> imagine this is an option in Arizona...
> 2.) Spend $400 and Do the R134 with the 20% reduction in
> efficiency or
> any other problems the conversion entails
> 3.) Go to Mexico and get an R12 fillup, or obtain R12 in some other way
> 4.) Some other option (specify)
> Thanks for the Information]
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David G. Ullrich
Cavu Consulting
"Finally, Affordable Technology Help"

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