cv joints

Wally Choate wallychoate at
Tue Mar 4 15:00:06 PST 2008

Just replaced an outer cv boot ($21 kit) on my 1998 A6 and discovered that the large axle bolt is now used to push the joint off the shaft over the "C" retainer ring.  No more struggle with a snap ring pliers and no more hammer!  No need for solvent, just disassemble the joint and wipe every thing down with rags.  Removal and replacement of the axle assembly more than 2 hours, installing boot kit 15 minutes.

  Subject: Re: cv joints
To: quattro at, McCohens at
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Yep, done that a number of times with good results.


> From: McCohens at
> I have heard about reversing left to right on other cars when repacking or 
> doing boots. The theory was wear surfaces are opposite and thus life of a CV 
> could be extended. Considering the quality of replacement parts this sounds 
> like a good idea. Anyone try it?


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