Brake Fluid Testing strips

Grant Lenahan glenahan at
Sun Mar 30 17:17:55 PDT 2008

So we may be using the word "safe" differently. I was speaking of  
"low risk of getting air in the system". You were apparently speaking  
of "risk of physical damage".  And yes, you do need to be careful.   
good warnign to all - if 15 lbs is good, 30 is not better :-)

Vacuum methods can allow air in if the vacuum is broken for even a  
moment, due to a leak/etc.  The pressure system - if and only if you  
use it to pump fluid ( not just apply air pressure), really works out  
the air bubbles.  I have no second thoughts about what method i prefer.

yes, you need to keep the pressure down to avoid damage to tanks, etc.

At 15 lbs or under, I have not heard of many problems. I hear of LOTS  
of air problems.

But I'm not a pro. My sample size is small. And mostly 2nd hand.

On Mar 30, 2008, at 5:28 PM, Mark R wrote:

> Grant, I beg to differ... continuous (not hand pump) vacuum is the  
> safest, but pressure is easier.  I recommend vacula's products to  
> those with shop air, and that's what I use.  A good example is:   
> Pressure is potentially bad for reservoir seals, where vacuum is  
> completely safe there.  Otherwise, motive is a good way to go.
> And you're right, most clubs require fluid to be less than 2 years  
> old to run on the track.  Of course, some have no rules, and others  
> are stricter.  =)
> Mark
> On Sun, Mar 30, 2008 at 12:31 PM, Grant Lenahan  
> <glenahan at> wrote:
> get a power ( pressure) bleeder - its great.  Much safer than vacuum,
> much easier than old-fashioned
> Grant

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