
Steve Marinello smarinello at
Fri May 2 05:18:11 PDT 2008

Yes, there are still some of us around from the
original ur-list.  I've even still got the '83 urq stuck in the garage 
with its' list of unresolved problems and upgrades...and a 16 year old 
son lamenting that I don't get it out enough.  And that's sort of how it 
seems to have gone.  Now the S6 sits and waits for work to be done while 
I drive the GTI, which I certainly don't like as much as either of the 
other two, but who has the time to enjoy them anymore. 

I think the East Coast mafia has it better than most of us...there is a 
relatively connected group of mildly insane people that keep the spirit 
waving, even if they are mostly a lot younger than I am.  And we all 
have the common bitch about what Audi has become, impressive 
technological advances aside...

I miss Satch and Phil...and even the occasional flaming explosions on list.


Robert Myers wrote:
> There are still a few of us old timers around, Huw.
> Bob
> At 12:14 AM 5/2/2008, Huw Powell wrote:
>> Does anyone else sometimes feel nostalgic for the time when
>> ( in those days) got 200 new emails on Monday
>> morning, and tailed off to 100 or so by the end of the week?  Back when
>> people were coaxing 220 hp out of 5000 turbos, and a few intrepid souls
>> struggled to put MC1 or MC2 motors into 4kqs?
>> Oh, and the flame wars...
>> Those were the days, my friend.
>> --
>> Huw Powell
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