
Andrew Duane aduane at
Fri May 2 06:08:16 PDT 2008

And me, I think.... but then, I've forgotten the question already.....

Here's a nostalgia trivia question for the old-timers amongst us. Who
remembers how much my cat weighs?

quattro-bounces at wrote:
> Hell, Bart, there almost ain't nobody that old around here.  'Cept'n
> yew an' me. 
> Bob
> At 08:47 AM 5/2/2008, Unka Bart wrote:
> > Flaming???  There was FLAMING???
> > 
> > I have to doubt that, I've been around a long time, and I don't
> > remember any FLAMING! 
> > 
> > Then again, as I said, I've been around a LOOOOONNNNG time.  I'm
> > old, I forget things. 
> > 
> > Of course, I'm not as old as Bob Myers (shudder...)
> > 
> > yer kindly ol' Unka Bart


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