Steve Marinello
smarinello at
Fri May 2 08:10:48 PDT 2008
Well, all this nostalgia has crept into some current considerations...
I've been 'between' real jobs for 3 months now, and the offers look like
they're starting to come in, with two yesterday. One is with a
Halliburton company, Landmark, which is now their software and
engineering consulting wing. A few advantages, like changing projects,
against a lot of less than desirable things. The other is with a
consulting firm that I started talking with 6 months ago. In that time,
a developing JV delayed an agreement, and as of April 1st, that JV
turned into a full on buyout, so there goes any equity possibilities (if
only! a new experience). IN the interim before finalizing the deal,
there is still the opportunity to take advantage of one of the perks of
the existing firm (Audi content approaching)....they will make the
payment on a car of my choice ($1000+ monthly allowance). I will need a
car that I can squire some clients around in on occasion. The owner
drives an S-class. I slot in at #2. Suggestions within those still
minimally known parameters? A6, S6 maybe?...A8/S8 would be out of
range, I'd think. I'd have to settle for a Tip (ughh!) or go to a 535ix
(can't quite see it, through all this Audi nostalgia...have you perused
those propeller-head lists?!)
What do I do with the other cars?? Let the 16 year old have the RS2'ed
S6 avant?? ...or the GTI?
Just fantasizing...don't know that I'll take that job anyway, but it's a
nice perk! One shot deal that obviously won't be repeated when they get
bought out, but will be continued as part of the deal.
Jump on in on the fantasy!
Louis-Alain Richard wrote:
> I'm a relative newcomer, 09/2001, and I do miss the numerous posts of that
> period. Now, since it won't get any better in the future, why don't we
> regroup 1 or 2 or 3 lists together ? That's what I do by subscribing to a
> few of them and for me it is a very good way to learn about my probable next
> car before I own it.
> We have covered the Type 44 and 85 issues numerous times, so now it's time
> to learn how to replace those O2 sensors on an RS6 !
> As for the flame wars, I think I arrived after the "hot" period, but I do
> remember the one about the torque wrench extension for the 5 cylinder crank
> bolt. That was the first time I was involved in a "live" discussion over the
> internet, live because we were many people trying to understand something in
> quasi-real time, with only 1 or 2 minutes of delay : I still remember that I
> could almost hear some of you thinking in front of their computer. Anyone
> remembers the year/date/title ? I've searched the archives a few times, to
> no avail.
> Huw, at least, if one day this form of internet chatting disappear, we will
> be proud of being part of it during its heyday!
> Louis-Alain
> Doing its best to keep traffic alive, an urQuattro engine swap is a good way
> to raise many questions...
> -----Message d'origine-----
> Does anyone else sometimes feel nostalgic for the time when
> ( in those days) got 200 new emails on Monday
> morning, and tailed off to 100 or so by the end of the week? Back when
> people were coaxing 220 hp out of 5000 turbos, and a few intrepid souls
> struggled to put MC1 or MC2 motors into 4kqs?
> Oh, and the flame wars...
> Those were the days, my friend.
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