Caliper rebuild?

Grant Lenahan glenahan at
Mon May 5 16:13:08 PDT 2008

RPM is a good local supplier....
On May 5, 2008, at 5:10 PM, syljay wrote:

> From: QUATTRO1869 at
> Subject: Caliper rebuild?
> Hey fellow Audinauts,
>      Does anyone know the least expensive place to get a  caliper  
> rebuild
> kits?  I still have the stock A4 calipers(I know, retarded  with all
> the power but
> I cant afford S4 brakes at the moment)  I think one  is binding and  
> would
> like to rebuild them both, but cant seem to find a kit for  the front,
> only the
> rear.
> Any suggestions would be helpful!
> **** Dunno about your model car, but I just bought front caliper
> rebuild kits for my 90 100Q.
> You will need 2 caliper kits, and 2 caliper boot kit, and new rotors.
> You would think the idiots would supply parts for both calipers in a
> kit - but they dont. Who the hell rebuilds only one caliper?
> It dont pay to turn the old rotors as the new ones only cost about  
> $30 ea.
> caliper kit is $6 each
> boot kit is %7 each
> I got mine from:
> RPM Foreign Auto Parts
> Stanhope, NJ
> 973-448-9440
> SJ in NJ
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