nostalgia, and a question

Tess McMillan tessmc at
Wed May 7 12:22:07 PDT 2008


I too have been around for a while, though mostly lurking (as you know)
since prolly the latter half of '94 or early '95. In thoooooooose days,
y'all won't be surprised by this, I didn't know anything about cars, much
less my Audi. One of the reasons I got on the digest was I'd just broken
the crankshaft due to lack of oil. That's lack of oil as in: I never
bothered to check the dipstick or add oil. Yikes. I decided to learn more
so this kind of thing would never happen again.

So I've definitely come a long way with the help of this list! Being able
to bleed my own brakes, fixing components that are light or small enough
for me to manipulate by myself (that amounts to most interior things I've
tackled, like steering column stuff), and moving on to tracking my car and
now teaching others to drive at the track. Every time I peek at the
list I know I'm going to be impressed at the wealth of information and
more than that the dedication to solve some of the most sums-a-b*tchin'
problems.... More power to ya!

It is really great to have this resource and it's great to feel welcomed
-- me not knowing a _whole_ lot, and being of the feminine persuasion and
all that &:-).

OK so now I have an interesting question. Recently (in my aging but still
going strong '88 80Q), I noticed that on making left turns, I heard a
sound kind of like my dog's squeaky toy being delicately squished.

At first I thought it might be power steering related, and I thought I'd
just wait and see if I started losing ability to steer. Instead, last
night on the way home from class, I popped my high beams on and something
else happened. Let's see if I can remember the order: either the sound
came on and didn't go away until I popped the high beams off, or the
sound came on when I popped down to low beams and the sound didn't go
away until I turned off the lights before entering the garage. Shoot, I
can't remember which it was, but it was one of the two.

In any case, what does this sound like? Could I be pinching the light
connector wire inside the steering column and it is shorting? I just can't
figure out why there is a sound... if the horn ring might be involved

What do you guys think? I've replaced my whole switch assembly with one
from another car because my old one started failing, but I did the switch
out at least 2 years ago. It was a tad difficult to find another switch


in Bellevue, WA USA

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