Slave cylinder hose...

Grant Lenahan glenahan at
Fri May 9 17:31:21 PDT 2008

When you say brake "hose" - what is this from and to?
Is it a hose (flexible, rubber/braided) or a line (metal, flare 

If its a line, make your own from modualr parts at the parts store - 
beware different types of flares and nuts.

If its a hose, what (hopefully standard) fitting is at either end?

On May 9, 2008, at 4:46 PM, Louis-Alain Richard wrote:

> Is there a cheaper alternative to OEM for the above ? My friendly Audi
> dealer wants 88$ for 431 721 465, which is common to all type 85, 81, 
> 43 and
> 44 cars.
> Not that I am cheap, but is there another source ? Or another brake 
> hose
> that would fit ?
> We pulled the engine/transmission/subframe from under the car last 
> night,
> but the new one is not in yet. It was relatively easy, as Martin P 
> said,
> since the head was off. The highest point of the engine was the 
> dipstick
> tube, which cleared the front valance by 1/4 in. The engine was 
> resting on a
> floor jack.
> Thanks
> Louis-Alain
> 1983 urQ
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