i87 5kt intermittent no start
larrycleung at gmail.com
Tue May 13 16:29:08 PDT 2008
If it's not idling, did you perhaps knock off the connector for the
Idlespeed switch on the throttle butterfly? There are two switch positions
on the throttle switch, WOT and idle. They are a known failure point. If you
didn't knock of the connector, you need to check the idle switch function
with a meter. They often fail intermittently, and your playing around over
there may have just been the final straw to break the failing printed
circuit on the board.
On 5/13/08, Dave Yentema <yentemad at rider.edu> wrote:
> Figures that when i finally get all of the right parts installed, my car
> doesn't want to run right. I took that plastic plug out that i had filling
> the hole for the idle screw, and installed the right one. Screwed it in
> until i heard the throttle switch click, then backed it off by about a half
> a turn. Car starts right up and runs like a champ, a little too high rpm,
> but was running very well. Shut it off, played with a few things like the
> isv, the throttle switch, etc and went to start the car again. It fired once
> but didn't catch and then didnt fire again until i turned the key off and
> back on again but still didn't catch. Went back out and played with some
> more things, took the MM hose off, cleaned the gunk off of the butterfly
> valve, backed the screw off a bit, etc. Tried it again, no luck. Tried one
> more time, but this time i punched the gas right as it fired and it caught
> and i held it at about 1500 for a bit and let off. It stumbled around for a
> bit but eventually started idling beautifully. On a quick test drive it ran
> amazing as well. Shut it off and went to start again, and its doing it
> again... I used this as an excuse to get some new spark plugs (NGK bp6et)and
> it runs a lot smoother, but still has this problem..
> Any ideas?
> -Dave
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