OT: 24 hours of lemons - 4kQ

rndlitebmw at aol.com rndlitebmw at aol.com
Tue May 13 17:56:41 PDT 2008

I haven't posted on the Q or UrQ lists in ages, but I lurk, and still have?both cars.?:) The 4kq at LeMons was mine, and happy as we should be about 4th place it rings pretty hollow when you lose a fellow racer. We all hung our heads Sunday morning, and went racing in Court's honor. 
?? As far as the car and race goes, the 4k couldn't have been a better choice. We reinforced the front bumper structure a little, but other than that, with the radiator so far back there's not much to worry about. A little more power would always be nice, but it was bomb-proof, not even using any oil, and managing tires and brakes well. We managed to bag the award of "highest placing Krautwagen". 

-Tucker Fritch
German Auto SLO, CA

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