Audis and Iron Man Movie

Robert Myers bob at
Sat May 17 03:35:28 PDT 2008

Gee, Brett, you were expecting great character development and a 
gripping plot from a movie based on a comic book?  That seems like 
expecting great literature from a book entitled "The Great Oratory of 
George W. Bush"  I was rather expecting a sophomoric effort and was 
not disappointed in that respect.  The movie was, however, 
entertaining and was great fun for my 18 year old granddaughter.  My 
wifeand I also enjoyed the movie.


- wait for it -

I got to drool over the R8.  ;-)

At 12:40 AM 5/17/2008, Brett Dikeman wrote:

>Either they have completely incompetent stunt people, or this was a
>from-the-start PR idea; can't you see this being the brainchild of
>some chipper marketing bimbo?  "Like, what if we pretend it was REALLY
>hard for the stunt guys to make it skid!"
>Seriously, all they had to do was pull a couple of ABS sensor
>connectors- and the sound effects are dubbed over anyway.
>Either way, it was an obvious product placement in a pretty horrible,
>vapid movie.  Same with I, Robot.  Audi needs to aim a little better,
>unless they're trying to sell cars to pre-pubescent boys.

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