blower motor weirdness

syljay syljay at
Sun Nov 30 19:31:30 PST 2008

>>Patient: 200q20v
>>I've been trying to diagnose a non working blower motor.  I did a new blower motor and heater core summer of 2007 and really don't want to pull it all out again.
>>Wiring checks out per the bently.  Motor gets voltage when I set the temp to low and the speed on high.  I can see the brush sparking like it wants to start moving but blower motor won't move until I jump start it with a carefully placed screwdriver to start the motor spinning.  
>>I have the blower running right now but it's a bit noisy and not as fast as I would expect.  Can I lube this thing or is something else wrong?
>>it worked pretty good last winter and this summer so I'm not sure what could be wrong.
>>thanks in advance.

**** The ventilation blower motor is old.
The brushes are worn down.
The brush springs are stretched out and not exerting a lot of pressure.
The brush holders are gunked up with carbon dust, etc.

The gunked up brush holders, and the stretched out spring prevent the 
brushes from fully contacting the motor armature.

The above details will prevent sufficient brush contact force to 
enable enough current to flow to get the motor going.

The fix:
You can get at the top brush holder by removing a rubber plug(Been a 
long time since I've been in that area so I'm rusty on the details.)
Spray top brush holder with WD-40 and move brush up and down with a 
pick or appropriate tool. Repeat several times till the brush moves up 
and down freely.
You cant get at the bottom brush. However, the WD-40 will drip down 
onto the bottom brush and loosen it up a bit.
Let it dry out thoroughly . .I used a hair drier on low heat to help 
things along.

I did my "fix" three years ago, and the motor is still blowing air.

SJ in NJ

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