FWD 5speed swap information

Nick Lawrence nick at beol.net
Wed Oct 8 11:27:42 PDT 2008

Don't worry about anybody fussing about butchering the car,  most don't care 
for the auto in the first place and you will be saving one from the scrap 
I have done three auto to manual conversions for my own cars.  Although it 
does take some mechanical ability and a little fabricating, It is not much 
worse than some repairs that we do.
If you really get enthusiastic about this project I can provide some help.
Nick      central Ohio

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Dave Yentema" <yentemad at rider.edu>
To: <quattro at audifans.com>
Sent: Wednesday, October 08, 2008 11:13 AM
Subject: FWD 5speed swap information

> well, my car(875kt) currently has the FWD 3 speed automatic in it, and 
> i've been considering rebuilding it for the past while in an effort to be 
> able to chip it. I like having the auto, it makes the car very easy to 
> drive and it always attracts a lot of attention because of the rarity.. 
> But in order to rebuild it, it'll cost a lot of money buying a rebuild 
> kit, extra clutches, external trans cooler, etc, etc. I'm now toying with 
> the idea of doing a 5spd swap in it and I'm looking for some estimated 
> prices, sources, tips, tricks, etc for doing such a swap. I know a few 
> people that will be annoyed at me for butchering this car's originality 
> and rarity but it's to the point now that something needs to be done with 
> this trans before any problems arise, and I want something a little more 
> reliable/powerful...
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