Wheel bearings

cobram at juno.com cobram at juno.com
Tue Oct 21 09:27:53 PDT 2008

There are tools like the Hub Shark, Hub Tamer etc. that will do it on the
car.  There was also a post or two about an el-cheapo, made in China one
from Harbor Freight which supposedly worked too.  Look up the tools in
the archives, there are plenty of past posts with good details.

"God's a kid with an ant farm, lady. He's not planning anything."

"David Giannandrea" <david.giannandrea at sbcglobal.net> writes:
> I recall doing this a long time ago on my 5000: banging out the front 
> wheel
> bearings using a large socket as a drift.
> But now, it's the 97 A8. Anybody have any advice? Do it, it's easy? 
> Don't do
> it I'll ruin something? Where to buy a bearing press?
> BTW, I noticed that both my S4 and A8 take the same bearings. Lucky 
> me.
> David
> 1993 S4 (bearings ok)
> 1997 A8 (bearing hum)

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