ACNA 2008 election shenanigans?
Dan DiBiase
d_dibiase at
Fri Oct 31 12:41:55 PDT 2008
This political BS is why I've let my membership lapse. Too bad they don't put the same energy into
actually making the ACNA a decent club!
Dan D
'04 A4 1.8Tq MT-6
Central NJ USA
From: Peter Schulz <pcschulz at>
To: s-car-list <s-car-list at>; quattro at; 200 20v List <200q20v at>; 20v <audi20v at>
Sent: Friday, October 31, 2008 11:11:04 AM
Subject: ACNA 2008 election shenanigans?
Excuse the bandwidth, but if you are a current ACNA member, support
the mission and efforts of the club, please take a few minutes to
read and consider the following:
Remember that the ACNA board of directors sets the direction for the
club and controls what is done with your membership dollars.
There is an ACNA forum on Audiworld , but if like
myself you rarely view it BUT are a standing member of ACNA, consider
this to be an important notice.
Time is of the essence...
Educate yourself before submitting your ACNA ballot.
-Peter S
Forwarded from Audiworld -
<>A Call to
Action! We need your help to rescind the 2008 ACNA election!
Posted by: <mailto:freebie at>deepquattro on 2008-10-30 13:17:20
Account #: <>125060
If you have read Peter Barada's (Audizilla) letter and agree that
there are enough issues to warrant a recall of the 2008 ACNA
election, the time to act is now. The ACNA Board of Directors will
not do anything about the election unless we, the membership,
convince them that they must. Although one would hope so, the sad
truth is that Peter's letter alone is simply not enough. We must
raise our voices and state that we believe that the election must be
recalled and started anew.
The board will meet on Saturday, November 1 and if we do not have
them convinced by that time, the task of having a recall will fall
upon the shoulders up us, the membership. If they do not vote, and
approve, a recall at that meeting, we will have to force a special
meeting of the board. In order to do so, we will have to gather
signatures from 5% of the membership, garner their proxy votes, and
one or more of us will have to travel to Oconomowoc to meet with the
board and vote to rescind, a series of herculean tasks that nobody relishes.
Our chance to persuade the board to do what is right and good for the
club is extremely short. I ask that everyone who believes that a
recall of the vote is in the best interest of the ACNA to please send
an email, right now, to every member of the ACNA board of directors
stating support of Peter Barada's letter. It doesn't have to be
lengthy, in fact simpler is better. Just let them know that they must act.
As of this point, over 800 people have read the letter and nobody,
including directors, has disproven any portion of it.
To help rescind this mess, I've created the following link. By
clicking it, you will create an email to the entire ACNA board.
Simply fill in your name, ACNA ID number and click send. Get the
board to do the right thing.
<mailto:dean.acna at,hornerjw at,searley at,msvphoto at,matthew.hull at,mjperry2 at,kent at,mike at,marywayers at,%20%0A%0A>Create
Email to Board of Directors
Time is short. We need to give this club the direction it needs. If
you've volunteered, participated, attended or enjoyed any of the
events or benefits the ACNA, and especially your chapter, has
offered, please send an email right now!
Thank you,
Jonathan Porath
Member 18443
Peter Barada's Letter:
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